What is Region Code, Office Code and Est Code in PF number
Every PF Account number consist of 5 parts namely - Region code , Office Code, Establishment Code, Extension Number and the account number. Many times we get confused on which code to fill in which block. The fact that EPFO has changed the region codes and introduced new office codes makes things more complicated.
Here are some details to understand your PF number format better-
EPF number - Region code and Office Code
Region code and Office Code are alphabetic codes which will get auto-filled based on your selection of state and office. Here office means the EPF office where your EPF contribution was deposited by your employer. See the image below for example -
Region code and Office Code together identifies a particular EPF office in India.
EPF number - Establishment Code and Extension Number
Establishment Code is a unique number provided by govt. to various companies/organizations. Establishment Code is your comapny's / office code registered with EPFO. It is a 5 digit code which uniquely identifies your company/office within EPFO India.
If a company/organization has many branches they will be uniquely identified with the Extension Number. Extension Number is a 3 digit number which is assigned to the branch of an organisation if any. Its usual pattern is 000, 00A, 00B, 00C, 00D and so on. It can be left blank if 000 which means no extension.
PF number format - Old codes and New codes
EPFO has changed the PF number format and codes (region codes are changed and new office codes are introduced) but on your pay slips you might still be seeing the old PF numbers so please get the new number on Establishment Information Search
Category: finance