Computer Generated Invoice No Need of Signature - Legal?
Now-a-days lot n lot of invoices in India are getting generated online and sent through email and whatsapp. In most of these invoices, you won't find any signature, but instead you will find following statement at the end of invoice:
- its computer generated invoice no need signature
- This is computer generated invoice signature not required
This article look into the implications of such invoices.
Computer Generated Invoice No Need of Signature
This is quite common now-a-days and lot n lot of people are using such type of invoices by mentioning 'Computer Generated Invoice - No signature required'.
As per our understanding, such invoices may not be completely legal unless digitally signed. For example, banks send their statements electronically by digitally signing them. Also service tax rules require signature on all invoices.
But typically if there is no dispute, such type of invoices are working out fine and typically goverment officials are fine with such invoices. However if there is dispute, such electronically or computer generated invoices without signature can become a liability.
So our recommendation is to send the computer generated invoice by email/whatsapp for quick response and then follow it with properly signed invoices so that there is no chance of dispute later.
Category: finance gst