GST GSTR1 common errors and their solutions (Regularly Updated)

With the monthly deadline of filing GSTR1, people are facing lot of problems with official website ( This page list common errors and how to go around them.

Error! You have no summary to submit GSTR1

You can see this error when you click on 'SUBMIT' button. This happens if you have not generating GSTR1 summary before submitting the GSTR1 form. To fix this:

  • Click on 'Generate GSTR1 Summary' button
  • Wait for few mins and then go back to your return form. Now you should be able to see filled details against "Total Value" and "Total Taxable Value" in every section. Now you are ready to submit.

Please note that sometimes due to website load, it can take lot of time after you click on 'Generate GSTR1 summary' and summary details being available. More so on the last day of filing as there are lot of people filing on the same day.

GSTR1 - FILE GSTR-1 button greyed out

Sometime you are not able to file return due to following being greyed out:

  1. checkout in front of "I/We hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom."

  2. filling buttons - "FILE GSTR-1 with DSC" and "FILE GSTR-1 with EVC"

This means you have not submitted your GSTR-1 form properly. Please check on the top of the page for 'Status - Submitted'. If not, make sure that you have generated GSTR1 summary and submitted the return successfully.

GSTR1 - Error! System Failure

This happens when you try to file by clicking on 'FILE GSTR-1 with EVC', enters OTP and submit. It probably happens due to some problem communicating with Aadhaar servers or some other internal error.

Solution: wait for some time and try again.

ERROR - Invoices already submitted

This happens while clicking on 'file GSTR-1' button. Solution unknown at this moment.

GSTR1 - Nil Return

For filing nil return, just follow these steps:

  1. Click on 'Generate GSTR1 Summary'. Wait for summary details to be made available. It should be all zeros
  2. Click on checkbox 'I acknowledge ..' and click on Submit button. Wait for some time and come back to Return again say after half an hour. "Status - " field on top should have become 'Status - Submitted'
  3. Click on checkbox 'I/We hereby solemnly affirm..' and click on 'FILE GSTR-1' button
Category: finance gst